private set on

private set on

Postby Sam_Sam » Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:33 am

I am trying to use flashcards deluxe for my board study. I have my questions and answers in MS word doc in 2 columns (left Q, right A).

1-What is the easiest way to compile those into the flashcards deluxe?

2-I used and there is a relatively simple way to transfer the cards but I want to have them private. How can I enter private flashcards on Quizlet into the flashcards deluxe?

I really appreciate your help. I have a little time left for studying and this would help a lot!

Re: private set on

Postby Ernie » Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:54 pm

Without Quizlet, what you'd do is copy-paste your list into my website (Upload page), assign a deck code, then use that deck code to add a private deck within the app. Basic steps are at the top of If you want to keep the data more safe, then there is a "delete your deck" link at the bottom of the upload page so you can immediately remove it from my server. Even if you leave on my server, others would not be able to find unless they guess your deck code.

If using Quizlet, you can bulk import your text using a similar copy-paste routine. As far a private decks code, you cannot download a private deck from Quizlet from within the app. Quizlet doesn't support this. Maybe you can make it public just for one minute while it downloads, then make it private again. I'm not sure if there is any delay between making it public and when it shows up in a search (within the my app).
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