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Small bug / feature request with long preamble

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:24 pm
by kraemder
I’m still using the app after all these years. Thanks for the great app. Recently a YouTuber I like made a video showing how she uses flash cards to study languages (Oriental Pearl if you watch YouTube). She didn’t go into a lot of detail on the video but answered my follow questions. She uses paper flash cards. She keeps an active deck of 50 cards on a key ring with her throughout the day. If she knows the card after one day then she removes it from the active deck and sets it aside to double check again in 6 months if she still knows it. As someone who wrote an SRS study deck I’m sure you’re aware that knowing a card after one day is little indication you will still know it 3 days let alone 20 days etc. But if you watch her videos I think you’ll agree she gets good results and I want to try it. Although I understand the attraction paper has to many people I was thinking I could use Flash Cards Deluxe to do the same thing. The idea for me is to do a production card instead of a recognition card so English and a picture on side one and then the target language on side two with audio. Pretty nice as compared to a paper card right? Instead of using the SRS mode or Leitner mode I’ll just keep it in ordered or random mode and then use the options to exclude known cards. It’s really nice how flexible FCD is that I can do this to emulate using real paper cards. Anki is all about SRS for example and I can’t see how you could pull this off with Anki.

The one thing that’s arising is that even after I exclude the known cards they’re still there. Even when I quit to the main screen and come back. If it were Leitner or SRS mode the app would refresh the deck and exclude them if I quit to the main screen and re-entered the deck but not for random or ordered mode.

Re: Small bug / feature request with long preamble

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:03 pm
by Ernie
Hi Kraemder,

Say you got a card correct on first try, then next interval is 60 days?
What if you get a card wrong on first try, then wrong on second try, then correct after one day. Is it removed into the 60 days later bucket? Doesn't sounds quite right.

Anki allows you to specify custom "initial/learning" intervals, right? But not sure how 60 days would work in this regard.

In my Ordered and Random mode, all cards in the deck are shown by default. Cards are not refreshed until you get to the end of the set of cards. You exclude, but it's not removed from the active list of cards until you get past the last card. Generally speaking, no need to remove the card right away. The user is generally going to go through all upcoming cards (not going backwards), so user won't see the card again in any case. If you want to force a refresh, you can change the card to order to say "ordered" then back to "random". But you are likely to repeats of some cards early since it's all random.

Re: Small bug / feature request with long preamble

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:02 pm
by Katja from Hamburg
Is there any specific reason why you are not using SRS for that?

You can set "new" to zero,
cards in round to 50
and first interval after strong to 90 days (which are 3 month)
No extra work to exclude cards.

Re: Small bug / feature request with long preamble

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 6:38 pm
by Ernie
"If she knows the card after one day then she removes it from the active deck"

The complication seems to be that it's only set to 90 days if it's correct after at least 1 day of interval.
So if wrong, then it's tested again after say 2 hours (you got through the other 49 new cards), what is the plan?
You can only swipe up if you've waited at least 1 day after last wrong.

The system seems a little strange to me.
If you want more aggressive learning, increase the first intervals, and factors * a bit *. I think that makes the most sense.