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Question regarding spelling mode

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 2:22 am
by Chris Kwon
When typing answers in spelling mode, is there a way to get the answers correct if the words are in it regardless of the order of the words?

(For example, let’s say the answer is ‘cat, dog, ant, horse, bird’.
When you type in ‘dog, cat, horse, bird, ant’, you still get the answer right.)

Re: Is it possible

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:04 pm
by Ernie
Hi Chris,


There is an option to specify multiple correct answers.

But hopefully a simple workaround will solve your problem. You can override the wrong answer. If you get it wrong, but want to mark it as correct, swipe left and the app should mark it as correct.


Re: Is it possible

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:32 pm
by Chris Kwon
Hi Ernie,

Thanks for the swift reply.
I kind of figured out the workaround for my problem by using the following text, which is an edited version of yours in ‘help’ menu of FD.

A, B, C <spell-x ^(A|B|C)(,)?(\.)? (A|B|C)(,)?(\.)? (A|B|C)(,)?(\.)?$>

By using the above text, I could get the following answers all correct, which I intended to do.
- A, B, C
- B, A, C
- C, B, A (…and more)

The only glitch is that the code will also recognize the following text as the correct answers:
- A, A, A
- B, B, B
- C, C, C

Adding some wrong answers didn’t affect the result.
But although it’s not perfect, with that code I could use the spelling mode in a way I wanted it to be, so problem solved.
Thanks a lot!

Re: Question regarding spelling mode

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:53 pm
by Ernie
I didn't mention regex because it seemed too complicated, and I don't even know how to use/code the expression myself.
But yes, what you said makes sense.