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Export of shared deck - other user cannot access

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:25 pm
by altiplano1066
I uploaded about 30 decks to a private shared library on the app server in order to share the decks with my language teacher. I created a group name for the decks and made the decks non-public.

My teacher informed me she cannot access the group (although she found the group by searching) because it asks her for a group code and/or password.

I do not recall ever creating a group code or password. Ugh!

Now that I've spent a lot of time uploading these decks is there a way my teacher can access these without me starting all over again? Or is the group code or password listed somewhere in the app?

Many thanks for any help!

Re: Export of shared deck - other user cannot access

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:25 pm
by Ernie

Private library decks should be able to be accessed if they are included in a Group, and the other user has joined the group.

Let's take a look at your groups:
To get to this area, swipe left on a deck, tap "Edit", Export/Share, Shared Library, My Groups. Tap a group.
Do you see a "Password" filled out (it will show ****) for password if set. The is in the "Edit Group" screen. (Going into the password update screen will always show blank, as I don't know your password.)
If you don't see "****" for Password then there should not be a password. If you see a password and want to clear it, turn on "Clear Password", then "Save Changes"

I didn't think the app allows you to "search" a group anymore. You type the full group name or "alternate name" in the Group field when joining a group. Password should be left blank if group has no password.

Having said all this, I wonder if she has an old version of the app. Searching and "Group Code" sounds like terms from an old version. I would first make sure she's using a recent version of the app. This may be the problem.
If she does have an older version, I don't know off the top of my head if it just doesn't work anymore with my new library code.

If you still need help with this, I recommend you email me with the Group name and I can look into it more.


Re: Export of shared deck - other user cannot access

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 6:01 pm
by Guest
There is no password is set for the group so I'll confirm she is using a recent version of the app. Thanks for the terrific support!!