Side colours in Random side first

Side colours in Random side first

Postby poofterchops » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:22 am

Hi Ernie,

Firstly I have to thank you for this app. It is by far the best thought out flashcard app I have seen, and I literally tried dozens before settling on this one. This is easily a five star app and I have rated and reviewed it as such. It is clear that you have put a lot of thought and effort into it so on behalf of my girlfriend and I, thank you.

I apologise if this is covered elsewhere, I did look through all 14 pages of posts headers and looked at any that might have this covered, and I also performed a search of the forum but could not find anyone covering the same topic.

I am not sure if what I am about to describe is by design or not:

My girlfriend and I both use this app on our iPhones and we both have the same problem. I have set up two separate decks, one on each phone, one has 4 sides and the other has 5 sides. Both of the decks are set up to randomly show Side 1 or Side 2 first. They are also both set up with custom colours for Sides 1 through 4/5. Under the deck options, the background colours are all black but the text colours have been specially chosen so that they are associated with the content of a specific side. When the app shows Side 1 first, it shows the text colour assigned for Side 1 and then when you tap it shows Side 2 with the text colour assigned for Side 2, all as you would expect. However when the app shows Side 2 first, it shows the text colour assigned for Side 1 and when you tap, it shows Side 1 with the text colour assigned for Side 2. It is almost like the app is applying the colour based on side display order instead of Text # (and hence Side #) as used in the data headers.

I have also tried this on the Side 2 first and the Alternate side first settings and the side that is displayed first gets the assigned colour for Side 1 regardless of whether it is Side 1 or Side 2.

Can you reproduce this effect?

It only bothers me a little but it bugs the crap out of my girlfriend as she uses the colour association with the card side content as a part of her learning strategy.

On a separate note... I feel like an ass mentioning a possible feature add, this app is already so good and I do not know if anyone other than me and my girlfriend would find it useful. However ;) I am used to feeling like an ass so ... When you add the text from another side under the card layout settings I think it would be useful to have the choice to keep the text colour as configured for the original side, or set a custom colour, for those of us who find colour coding so helpful. The additional text is not in the original text for the side so you cannot force a colour using the html tags.

Thanks again Ernie, this app is simply brilliant, it's no wonder it has a solid five star rating.

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Re: Side colours in Random side first

Postby Ernie » Sun Mar 20, 2011 2:39 pm

Hi Dan,


As far as colors go, I think you are right in that I should have applied the "Side 1" color to "Text 1", no matter what side it's shown on. So for example, if Text 1 is always English, and you set this to green, then English is always green, no matter where it shows up in a 5-sided card. I think this is what you are saying.

As for your second point, I'm not clear. Here's what I plan to do... If English is always green, and you combine English with "Text 2" on the same side using the card layout, then English should be green while Text 2 should still be white (or whatever color is assigned). Is this what you are saying? Your comment "The additional text is not in the original text for the side so you cannot force a colour using the html tags." confuses me though because I would think that putting color coding using html around "Text 1" should product the same results as what I'm proposing my fix should do. I haven't tested it out though, so no 100% sure.

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Re: Side colours in Random side first

Postby poofterchops » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:00 am

Hi Ernie,

Thanks for the quick reply!

You are right in understanding what I am talking about, you are also correct that forcing the html tag will force the colour, I am sorry, I did not express that sentence well. What I mean is you cannot tag that text you have added from Side 1 in the data from Side 2 that it is added to because it is not there, you would have to tag it in the original data from Side 1. You are correct that I could tag it with a colour on the original side, which would force the colour when added to the other side, but I guess is seems a little odd to tag it instead of assigning a text colour via the deck options because it is doing it the harder way for a feature that is already there. However, saying that, I think I can write a simple text manipulation spreadsheet that will add the html colour tags to all the side information which will force the colours when they are added as additional text to the other side. This will also appease my girlfriend as it will fix the colours for Sides 1 and 2 so they display the way she wants them. It should only take 10 minutes.

Thanks for your help and suggestions, you have given me an easy way to fix the problem I am having.

Thanks again for such a great app.

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Re: Side colours in Random side first

Postby poofterchops » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:25 am

Hi Ernie,

Done and tested and has the girlfriend's seal of approval. It has forced the colour as she wants, regardless of which side is shown first. It actually also makes the additional text added to the other sides look much nicer as it is now shown in it's original colour from the original side.

Thanks again for the suggestion.

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Re: Side colours in Random side first

Postby Ernie » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:27 am

Ok, cool, glad you got it working with the work-around. Again, I should have this fixed in the next update so you don't have to add the custom html and can just use the text color settings.
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