Difference between Lite and Full?

Difference between Lite and Full?

Postby madivad » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:06 pm

Mate, I checked out this app today in an Apple shop and I have to admit, I was blown away! I came straight home and bought it. I have sent an email to several friends suggesting they buy it as well, but since you have a lite version, I figured I could suggest they download it and give it a whirl, but I'm just not sure what they will be able to do, or not do.

Can they grab some featured sets from your collection? And / or at least create a flashcard set of their own? Maybe not a comprehensive list, but just some ideas.

And once again, GREAT APP! Well done
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Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:56 am

Re: Difference between Lite and Full?

Postby Ernie » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:45 pm

The lite version has all the exact same functionality with the following exceptiions:
Limit of 4 decks
Limit of 6 cards per deck

So, yes, you can download featured content, content from Quizlet, create new decks, add cards, etc. It will just stop at 6 cards when downloading decks.

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