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Possible Improvement: Ask a card from both sides

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2019 5:41 pm
by iLearnedToWalkWithFC
Hi [*]

I would like to discuss the addition of a possible improvement to the app.

Let's assume a card has only two sides. For more sides, one would need to think it through. But I guess most decks have two sides only.

A great option in this little gem of an app is that one can choose if you want to see side 1 first, or side 2, or even randomized. Now I propose to have a fourth option: Make two completely uncorrelated cards, showing side 1 on one card, and side 2 on the other card. This will effectively double the cards in your deck.

Why would this be a good idea? Well, when I started using FCD for learning a foreign language (FL), I though it's enough to know English --> FL. When I went to the country, I often heard the foreign word, and I knew that I know it, but I did not know what it meant. Similarly, if you tell me a country, I know its capital. If you tell me a capital, I know it's a capital, but I don't know of which country.

Cheers & Thanks for keeping this great app alive!

[*] I leave out the praise for this great app, since I said it before, but this does not mean that my appreciation towards the app has changed in any way.

Re: Possible Improvement: Ask a card from both sides

PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 9:09 pm
by Ernie
Hi. You can do this now:
Deck Options > Advanced Layout > ON

You'll get two layouts by default: 1->2 and 2->1
Tap left side to change deck options for layout
Note that layout 2->1 uses "statistics set" "2". This will keep track of statistics for this direction separately.

Tap right side to toggle "active" on/off

You can create as many layouts as you want. There are up to four different statistic sets you can use (for 3+ sided cards).

Re: Possible Improvement: Ask a card from both sides

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 4:45 am
by iLearnedToWalkWithFC
Wow, this is extremely nice! Did you implement that just now, or has it been there all along?

I can confirm it's working great, but I do have a little bit of trouble to navigate the settings: If I click on "Advance Layout", I can make the changes as described by you. But how do I get back again? I can click the x at the top right, and I will be back at the deck. Or I can click "Advance Layout" and I'm back at the options, but "Advance Layout" is now deactivated. How can I go back to the options but keeping "Advance Layout" activated? I hope it's clear what I mean.

Re: Possible Improvement: Ask a card from both sides

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 4:49 am
by Ernie
Advanced Layout has been available for a few years.

If you have this ON, you'll find all the setting in a new location. In the "Layouts to Show" section, you'll see checkmarks along the right that you can turn on/off. The secret I think that you are missing is that you can tap the LEFT side (e.g. over "1->2") to view the options for the layout. Each layout has its own set of options. Some options are still shared though across all layouts.

Re: Possible Improvement: Ask a card from both sides

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 4:55 am
by iLearnedToWalkWithFC
Ok, clear. What I have been missing is not that I can click on the left side of e.g. 1 --> 2, but that "all the setting[s are] in a new location". I find that a bit confusing at first. But now it seems clear. Thanks!