A idea

A idea

Postby toxicer » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:20 am

First I like to say thanks for great program, it just help me pass my test and wow some people at same time. I have a idea how to create new flashcard, hope it will help you improve your program some how. My idea is when you creating a flashcard, you took a picture of the thing you want to remember(ex. maps, diagram, formula....), and you can block parts of the picture use finger, the block part will become the answer when you tap it. If their is a way use the same picture multiple times and can add text will be even better. Hope this idea help you a bit and thanks again for a great program.

Re: A idea

Postby Ernie » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:37 pm

Interesting idea. What you'd currently have to do is create two versions of the same picture, one with covered section and one not, and put them on two different sides of the card. I'll make a note of this for something to consider down the road. Thanks!
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