drawing setting

drawing setting

Postby iiz » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:57 pm

In latest update, when "drawing" is enabled on side 1,
drawing space seems to appear in not side 1 but in side shown 1st
("side shown first" is random).
I want it to be modified.

Re: drawing setting

Postby Ernie » Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:57 pm

Yeah, this was changed. I think I like it the way it is now better. I understand that for your situation (random side first) it's not at as good. For a fix, can you show the drawing area on both sides? Bottom line, I'm going to keep it the way it is for right now, but I'll give it some more thought and adjust when I think the time is right. Sorry about that.

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Re: drawing setting

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:40 pm

Thank you for your response. I understood it.
I'm happy if the previous option would be added someday.

One more -
About Japanese fix (text getting cut off at bottom),
it works better than previous version,
but text seems to be arranged to fit in full screen mode
(it gets still cut off by bottom menu bar, I think this doesn't occur in English text).

Re: drawing setting

Postby Ernie » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:51 pm

Japanese text sometimes goes off the bottom of the screen unnecessarily. In the last version, you couldn't even zoom to see the rest of it. With this version, you can at least see a green arrow to zoom and scroll.

Many times you shouldn't have to see a green arrow and the text should just get shrunk more. I added a font called "Helvetica Japanese" that I'm hoping will fix this problem. Are you trying this new font out. If not, go to the Deck Options and select this font for the appropriate sides. If you are using this font and still see a problem, send me a sample deck code or screenshot and I'll look into it.

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Re: drawing setting

Postby iiz » Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:52 am

Thank you, I misunderstood. I was using 'standard' font.
With 'Helvetica Japanese',now long sentences in Japanese are displayed in good shape.

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