Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Candogoods » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:25 am

Love your app. I use it for studying myself and more recently for my child who has special needs. We do sight words with pics. Love it. Would like to see the following to help with my son

1) colors by deck
2) option to put text 1 under pics or put pics on top of text. If there is already a way please let me know. I want this so I can make stories for my son like a children's book.
3) I saw your frames. I love them so I can do a story with my son and it looks more like a page in a book. How do we access them? There is an app that charges $14 for a story making app and with these two adjustments this app would fit the bill.

As your frames get more fancy you will be able to capture some of the scrapbooking app market.
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Re: Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Ernie » Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:17 pm

1) Colors by deck - This will happen, but probably not for this next update.
2) Text under pictures - This option will be available in the next update.
3) "Frames"... I think you are talking about the new flashcard looks that will be available. They probably look more like flashcards and less like pages in a book (since they don't turn like a page), but at least they look more cutesy than the current ones. I suppose I can think about different transition animations....

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Re: Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Ernie » Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:52 am

Update. It looks like each deck can have it's own "card color" setting now. Kind of. I currently have only 1 "custom colors" theme (like it does now), so you cannot have different custom colors for different decks, but one deck can be a "sky" theme, and one can be the standard black theme, and one can be "custom colors", etc.
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Re: Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Fasteddy » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:06 pm

Like Candogoods, I am also using your app for my children - in my case as a "learn to read" aid. I had been using another flashcard app for this, but gave up on it due to its surplus of bugs and complete lack of developer support. I've only been using your app for a day now, and can already tell that it is vastly superior, both in features and stability. I would make a few suggestions, though, that I believe would make this app work almost as well as a simple "storybook" creator as it does for complex flash cards.

1. As Candogoods suggested, picture on top, text on bottom. Sounds like you've already thought of this, which is awesome!

2. Ability to choose a picture as a "deck icon", and have these icons displayed on the deck selection screen. (for kids just learning to read, they can choose a deck based on a picture they recognize, rather than words that they may not be able to read quite yet.)

3. Ability to completly hide the interface, with the excepion of the titlebar. The little buttons on the bottom are tempting for little eyes/fingers!

If there are already ways to accomplish items 2/3 above, please let me know - I've played around with a bunch of options, but didn't see a way to make either of those things happen. All in all, though awesome app! It's pretty cool that you've developed a tool that can be as useful to a kindergarten child just learning to read as it is to a lawyer studying for the bar exam!

Re: Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Fasteddy » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:36 pm

Scratch #3, my 4 year-old just "discovered" the tap the title to hide everything feature. Thanks for that!

Re: Story format; choose color/frame by deck

Postby Ernie » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:39 am

1. Option to show picture on top will be in the upcoming update.
2. This won't happen anytime soon. I'll make a note of this and see what I might want to do in the future regarding spicing up deck listing screen
3. Yes, you can toggle full-screen view by tapping at the top. Buttons will still be active at bottom though. In the Main Options > View menu, there are options to hide and disable these bottom buttons in full screen view.

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