CONNECTION WAS RESET when downloading pictures

CONNECTION WAS RESET when downloading pictures

Postby Sale » Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:57 am

Hi, I can`t upload the pictures for the pasted text files to your web. It was working fine until yesterday. Every time i try to upload media I get `connection was reset while downloading`. I tried disabling my firewall, reseting the rooter and other stuff, it doesn`t help. It must be a server problem or something. I normally create flashcards only with handwritten or text pictures that I cut from my scanned learn books. This way I can have the whole exam material as a picture flashcards in a couple of hours. And your app was perfect for that because it allows to transport these pictures as zip automatically to my ipod as flash cards. I`ve tried dropbox, it works but there is no shrink function there, so these text pictures are not readable anymore. Is it a server problem of yours? Please help me on this, I have a lot to learn this week, and it was much more fun to learn with your app. Thanks
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Re: CONNECTION WAS RESET when downloading pictures

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:23 pm

It's possible that there was a temporary server problem, but I tried a test with pictures just now and didn't have any problem. Is it still not working?

You mentioned dropbox and picture resizing. One thing you can do is upload all your pictures to my website, then export them immediately using my export page and copy to dropbox. They will be resized. This may be a little combersome though.

If you want, post / email / PM me your deck code and I can at least try your deck on my end. I'm sorry, I don't know what might be going on.
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Re: CONNECTION WAS RESET when downloading pictures

Postby Sale » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:28 am

Hi, you didn`t understand me very well. I could past a text , but I couldn`t upload pictures to your web. Meanwhile I found out that I can only upload small amount of pictures (like 20 pictures, all together 5mb). If I try to upload more I get 'connection was reset' message. Your FAQ says uploading up till 30mb is allowed. So why can`t I upload more than 5mb in the moment? Maybe I didn`t erase all my previous decks from your web, so they`re taking too much space. I`ve tried to erase all my deck codes I could find, I didn`t write any initials in my deck codes thou , only numbers. I guess that was a mistake too. Maybe you can see better if it is a space issue or not. Thanks for the reply
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Re: CONNECTION WAS RESET when downloading pictures

Postby Ernie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:19 am

I tried a large upload and I got an error after 2 minutes 10 seconds. The problem is not a size/space issue, but a time issue. This is a problem I haven't been able to solve yet. I'll ask my server people to see if they might have a solution.

Does your error occur about 2 minutes after you click upload?

Your solution is to upload less at a time or to use dropbox.
Sorry about that.

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