Cutesy Graphics

Cutesy Graphics

Postby Tony » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:23 pm

Hey Ernie, noticed your "Cutesy Graphics" post from last month over on the dev blog side. Just wanted to add a bit of encouragement. It'd be a welcomed enhancement in my book.

I especially like the look of a real flash card against the wood background along with the flipping animation that looked to be happening in the screenshot. The custom card backgrounds are pretty cool too, though please include a plain white card style as well. :) Yeah, I know it's all totally just icing, but when you're staring at these things every day a little visual jazz goes a long way. ;)

I think it'd help drive some purchases too. I must admit that while I chose Flashcards Deluxe because of its combination of reviews, price, features and haven't regretted it one bit, I had an eye out for an app bit more visual appeal and found nothing workable for a serious learner.

Love the app, I barely get time to play any of my mobile games these days since you've made studying on the go so easy that I've no excuse.

Re: Cutesy Graphics

Postby Ernie » Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:11 pm


Ha, I loved your last line.

I do have a view with a plain white card on a wood background. I have quite a few different "looks" you can choose from now. I'll finish up my coding and try to get an update out soon. I'd like to get feedback on how people like the different graphic options and what you all might like to see in the future.

I've always liked my plain black background, but after playing with the new styles, the pure black seems a bit boring now.

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Re: Cutesy Graphics

Postby Tony » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:49 pm

On the last line: Heh, it's the truth! Feel free to use it for a "back of the box" quote on the next update. ;)

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