Folders and other types of organization

Folders and other types of organization

Postby Happy User » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:49 pm

We are so happy with FD that we use it. A lot! As a result, we have a lot of decks of cards, and it would be so helpful if we could put the cards in folders and/or sort them in different ways.

I have to admit that I know nothing about making apps, so I do not know how difficult that would be, but it certainly would be helpful :)

See what success haa brought to you!

Thanks so much!!!
Happy User

Re: Folders and other types of organization

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:59 pm

Or possibly the ability to merge decks, so instead of having a separate deck for each lesson (which is what happens when you download decks), you could merge them together, and that would also work well with the whole automatic repetition part (which I am still working on understanding).


Thanks again!!!!

Re: Folders and other types of organization

Postby Ernie » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:10 pm

I think you can do everything you are asking.

To reorder decks, tap Edit the use the reorder bars along the right (touch, hold, drag up/down).
To create a folder, tap +, then "New Folder".
To study multiple decks together at the same time, tap +, then "Combination Deck".

Let me know if you need more guidance with these.

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Re: Folders and other types of organization

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:24 pm

Oh, wow! I'm totally embarrassed and totally thrilled! How brilliant of you :D

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