Camera Function

Camera Function

Postby thedarkknight17 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:48 am

Will you be adding a camera function soon? I bought this for self study, but I also want to use it as a teaching tool for my students who are studying English as a second language. I'd like to take a picture and load it directly to the card. As of right now, the only option available is to load it from my library on my phone.

Re: Camera Function

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:52 am

That is strange, as you should be able to add from camera. In the card edit screen, if you tap "Picture 1", by iPhone will show two buttons for "Camera" and "Library". My iPad will show the Photo Album right away since there is no camera. I suppose it's possible my program is not seeing that you have a camera on your device and not giving you the option. Can you verify that tapping "Picture 1" does not give you a camera option and then tell me what device you have?

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Re: Camera Function

Postby thedarkknight17 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:57 am

hi Ernie,

Thank you for your quick reply. I actually have an iPod touch without a camera, but I'm planning on buying an iPhone soon, so I wanted to make sure there is the camera function by the time I get my iPhone, but apparently there is! I guess it doesn't appear on my iPod since there is no camera.

I just bought the application today, and I've been studying for a couple hours off it. It's a bit complicated, but I really like it so far. It is great for studying languages. Is it possible to add a picture directly from flckr or something?

Will you be adding more test functions and test recording data in the future?

Also, is your application available for the Galaxy S Tablet by Samsung? I will use the Apple application for self study, tutoring, but I want to get something bigger for a classroom setting, which is why I'll be getting the Galaxy Tablet, which has a camera.

Re: Camera Function

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:44 pm

It's not possible to add pictures directly from flckr. You'll need to add picture to your device's library first.

"Will you be adding more test functions and test recording data in the future?"
I will be adding multiple choice eventually, and this probably will have a "timed game". I'm not sure what "test recording data" means.

My app only works with Apple iOS devices. I don't program for other mobile devices. Several teachers have reqested the ability to output the flashcards to VGA for transfer to a TV, but I haven't done this yet as it's not easy to do. Hopefully eventually.
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