accidentally added the same cards to twice

accidentally added the same cards to twice

Postby jim » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:04 pm

i had a deck, then i accidentally (appended) downloaded all the same cards to the deck again.
now i have 2 of every card and there is more than 8000 cards now.
is there a way to select all of the new cards i just imported, or a way to "select" all of the cards i imported (about 4000) and just delete those ones?

Re: accidentally added the same cards to twice

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:39 pm


There isn't a way to select these in the app.

Try this...

Export the deck by email and open on your computer. The attachment is a text file, so it will open up NotePad or TextEdit. If you want, you can copy-paste this into a spreadsheet to make it easier. I assume you have statistics you want to keep, so export statistics.

The newly imported cards will be at the bottom, do delete the 2nd half of the cards.

Copy the remaining cards back to my website, and download as a brand new deck within the app. This new deck should be what you want.

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