excellent app - but unable to export from site

excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby eaca » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:00 am

Excellent app, my thanks.

One question:
I now have the master text files for my flashcards in my Dropbox Public folder and have updated the Decknames on the app as appropriate.
When I now make a change on the app's version of the flashcard & export to orangeorapple.com from the app, go to the site to export the new version to my PC, I get a " Deck code not found." error - despite the Deckname being correct.
Have I done something the app/site is not expecting?

For reference: the format of my decknames: dl.dropbox.com/u/<autogenerated number>/<flashcard>/<flashcard.txt>

Thanks in advance.

Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby Ernie » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:13 am

The "deck name" is not important. (We may have a terminology difference here.)

Assume you use a deck code of "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1234567/deck1.txt" for importing.
If you export to my server, the deck code on the server is the file name without the extension, so "deck1" in this case.

Let me know if this doesn't help.

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Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby Guest » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:20 pm

Hi - I'd meant 'deck code' there not 'deck name', sorry about that.

Thanks for the prompt reply and the suggestion. Unfortunately the problem's still there:

1. I've exported dl.dropbox.com/u/<number>/<directoryname>/<directoryname.txt> from the app to the site.
2. I've then entered that same filename minus the .txt suffix into the Deck Code field and hit the 'Export text' button
3. I still receive the "Deck code not found" error.

Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby Ernie » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:50 pm

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what would be going on, as I just tried it and it seemed to work. Did you use <directoryname> as your code in the Export page?

Another thing to try is to replace your full deck code (cut to memory so you can put back) and just enter something simple like "deck1" and export that... See if you can then find "deck1" on my website.

Finally, if you don't need to export pictures/sounds, you can export by email, bypassing my website. Note the deck code used in the subject line... is this the same you are using on my website?
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Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby eaca » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:28 am

Hi Ernie,

I'd used the entire 'dl.dropbox.com etc' pathname as the deck code when exporting a flashcard from the app; this simply generated a 'Deck code error' message when subsequently attempting to export the same flashcard a few seconds later from the site to my PC.

I've now abandonded using the Dropbox pathname as a deck code and my attempt to use Dropbox instead of the orangeorapple.com site. A real shame as that would have been very convenient for me.
I've followed the advice here {orangeorapple.com/Flashcards/PersonalWeb.aspx} as closely as I can - have I misunderstood something?

Again, excellent app -would be really helpful if I could get the Dropbox issue resolved.

Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby eaca » Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:10 am

Realised I was being dumb.

What I wanted to do: by-pass orangeorapple.com completely by *uploading* any changed flashcards to Dropbox directly.
Long story -> short story: *downloading* from Dropbox using dl.dropbox.com/... works fine.

Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby Ernie » Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:59 am

I'm a little confused myself. Here is what you should be able to do:

Add a new deck (+, Private deck) and use a full url as the deck code:

If you make changes to the text file, you can update the deck on your device by:
at main screen, tap "Edit", the deck, "Download", replace all cards (stats should get kept)

If you make changes on your device, you can export to my server:
tap "Edit", the deck, then Export. You can also choose to export to email.

Assuming you exported to my server (if you have pictures/sounds), you can go to my Export page on the website and use the deck code "deck1".

It sounds like you got some success, but let me know if there is something that still isn't working for you. Within a couple months, I should have the ability to export directly to dropbox.
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Re: excellent app - but unable to export from site

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:04 am

Really good news re the direct Dropbox upload!

For now I'm fine - I use an email export to give me what I need.

The app does a superb job at a good price, thanks again.

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