restore saved statistics from itunes backup file?

restore saved statistics from itunes backup file?

Postby kirk » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:01 pm

Hi Ernie,

Not sure if this has been covered or not, but I had a problem downloading some new cards to one of my decks today. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but it looks like the statistics were deleted from the deck, and now it's showing that all 225 cards are new instead of active. I had about 6 months of spaced repetition stats on this deck, and I'd like avoid starting all over again. Do you know if there is anyway to retrieve the saved stats from just one deck via the itunes backup file?


Re: restore saved statistics from itunes backup file?

Postby Ernie » Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:25 pm


I don't know how to extract just my flashcard database from Apple's backup files, or if it's even possible. Sorry.

If you have any clue on what happened, let me know. When you "replace all cards", it should move the stats forward by finding a match on either side 1 or side 2 of the card. In the new version 2.6, it won't let you update if it doesn't find at least one match (as a safety precaution). Are you using the lastest version 2.6?

You might consider exporting by email before you "replace all cards" to be extra safe. (But my new safety check in 2.6 should help.)

If you lose all your stats, when going through the cards you can tap the middle bottom button and choose "Next Review". Here you can set an "appropriate" interval for each card fairly quickly to help get you back to normal.

I'm really sorry about that.

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