

Postby jandu. » Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:56 pm

Hi Ernie,

What do you think of having the possibility to enter a minimal number of cards after which a card is repeated (when repeat missed is on)? In my opinion the card comes too early.
2nd thing: Why not leave the category select page directly when selecting one? If I would add a new categorgy I could make it before selecting.

Have a nice day.

Re: idea

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:50 am

Hi Jandu,

As for repeating too quickly, I've got this on my to-do list. What card order do you use?
If there are only 3 cards to repeat, then the best I can do put 2 cards between them. I don't think I need to make an option for this, but just add extra logic to keep a card from showing up at the beginning of a round if it just was shown aat the end of last round.

I don't understand your category suggestion. In the category select screen, you tap a category and a checkmark appears next to it. Are you saying to close the screen immediately. I don't think this is a good idea for *most* people.

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Re: idea

Postby jandu. » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:15 am

I know this one has been already discussed earlier.
I use SpacedRepetition. If there are only 3 cards left then there is no other way. I think of changing MaxCardsInRound to the new option "All". When do the repeated cards then occur (lets say I have 1000 cards left - are the cards to repeat equally arranged inside the 1000 cards - is it possible that a card to repeat comes then after 900 cards or do you include any limits to have them inside an earlier interval.)

Never mind the category idea-). As you extended the possibilities of categories with this update I use them more intensely and realized that after selecting category I always press the CARD button to return which could have also been done with one press.

By the way: The multiple statistics sets are fantastic.

Re: idea

Postby jandu. » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:41 am

ok. I think I can give myself the answer. If MaxCardsInRound = ALL then it seems that the repeated cards can come anytime inside of ALL cards, isnt it.

Would it be an idea if:
I work with MaxCardsInRound=ALL
I examine and examine ...
when I want to stop examining (though there are maybe 800 cards left) I have the option in the middle-down menu or somehow else to get now the cards to repeat (all in a bulk).

Re: idea

Postby jandu. » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:48 am

oupps. I can already do what I wished from you. Just need to reset MaxCardsInRound from ALL to e.g. 20. And then I get the repetitions. Thanks.

Re: idea

Postby Ernie » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:05 am

Hi Jandu,

First of all, the "Repeat Missed" option is not used for Spaced Repetition.

Let's assume you have 1000 DUE cards. Normally, the Max Cards in round is 20, so it will show you 20 cards. Any cards you go wrong will show up in the next round of 20. If you don't want any wrong cards to repeat, then you can set max cards in round to All. All 1000 DUE cards will be shuffled and shown, with no repeats. After the 1000 cards, cards you got wrong will be repeated. There are never any duplicates in a single round. I break up a round into small chunks of cards so that wrong cards can be repeated quickly (without having to wait until you've finished all your due cards).

Does this help?
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Re: idea

Postby Jandu. » Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:12 am

I understand. Thank you.
One last question to the *set to ALL* scenario: When do you save the statistics? Probably only after these ALL cards, isnt it?

Re: idea

Postby Ernie » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:07 am

Statistics are updated at the end of a round, or when you go back to the main Decks screen, or close the app.
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