Issues with Open Office card creation?

Issues with Open Office card creation?

Postby MikeB » Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:34 pm

Hi Ernie,

Thanks for the great app. It is really helping me out with my studies. It's amazing how fast you can learn things when you have the right tools.

However I am having a bit of an issue with importing cards. I started out with Quizlet and it works great but discovered quickly I prefer the spread sheet because of the custom options as well as being able to work offline if I choose. I use Open Office as my spreadsheet tool. The issue is when I copy and paste my cards into your form on the website. All goes well but when I finally get them in the app, some of the cards or incorrect. I've used the keyboard shortcuts to create new lines in the cell but they don't seem to be transferring over properly. Instead they seem to be making extra sides to cards. You mentioned that there should be quotes but I am not seeing them when I copy it over. I suppose this is an Open Office issue?

I should mention that the card that is messing up is an example of Objective-C code. Is it possible that the semicolons are creating the new cards?

Thanks for the input. You've created a wonderfully helpful app that is very deserving of the 5 stars I bestowed upon it earlier.


Re: Issues with Open Office card creation?

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:10 pm

I just had a user mention the same thing with iWorks for iPad. Goooge Docs had this problem, and later "fixed" it (I call it a "fix" because it now works with my upload process). Since it doesn't seem to support putting quotes around these new lines in your cells, you'll need a workaround. I suggest creating a formula to convert these new lines into my special new-line character, then upload these new columns. For example, if you use columns A/B for your list, put the formulas in columns D/E and upload columns D/E (with the reformated text). The formula for cell D1 is:

Semi-colons won't mess up anything, but a single double quote on a side will. If you use double-quotes, just make sure you pair them up (have a closing double-quote).

Let me know if this doesn't help.
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Re: Issues with Open Office card creation?

Postby MikeB » Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:37 pm

Thanks for the feedback Ernie. It's much appreciated.

I was really trying to get some category action going on with my decks but have been unsuccessful using OpenOffice or Google Docs. I've decided that what I am going to do is just create separate decks and collect them in folders. This will probably work well though I would prefer the categories. Folders inside of folders would be really great as well. I'm pretty happy with this solution but feel free to read the extended cut below. I'll be happy to try some things out if your interested in troubleshooting.

You reminded me of Google Docs with your post and I immediately tried it. I was successful to an extent. I'll touch on that in a moment.

In regards to Open Office… I have not been able to correctly import the flashcards. At this point I am trying to create three columns. Text 1, Text 2, and Category 1. I searched the preferences to try and find an option for the quotation marks but there were none. I briefly attempted the equation you gave but received an error. I'll admit I am not a wiz with spreadsheets and my inexperience with Open Office doesn't help.

I since decided to work with google docs. It's better than Quizlet and the private deck feature is nice. However, I would really like to use categories and all I can get is a three sided card. I've tried to mimic your example spreadsheet as close as possible but keep getting three-sided cards.

Once I can get this issue figured out I will be very happy with the workflow. Can you tell me what I'm missing? Below is the text as pasted copied directly from google docs.

What is the @interface section? This section contains the actual code that implements the methods declared in the @interface section Chapter 3- Classes, Objects and Methods
What is the @interface section? This section contains the program code used to carry out the intended purpose of the program Chapter 3- Classes, Objects and Methods

Thanks again

Re: Issues with Open Office card creation?

Postby MikeB » Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:58 pm

Eh, this may help.

Re: Issues with Open Office card creation?

Postby Ernie » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:52 pm

Goggle docs should work well with new lines in a cell (without the formula). I'm not sure you tried that yet.

Anyway, I think the solution to your problem is: Include the header when you copy-paste into my website. It needs that.
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