Changing font on 1 side changes all

Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby me » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:24 pm


I have changed the font on side 1 to "Heiti Japanese" for all decks, while leaving Side 2 and 3 as Standard for all decks. However, every side (2 and 3 as well) now shows up in Heiti Japanese, instead of just side 1. It still displays "standard" in the font window though, so the settings should differ on the sides.

Re: Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby me » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:34 pm


Unfortunately changing the font on side 1 changes also the "system" font. Now the "Heiti Japanese" is used throughout the application ... in the browse mode (list view), on the info pages after or before each session ... I'd like to keep the "standard" font here and really only have the Heiti font on side A of the cards.

Re: Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby me » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:38 pm

And while I am at it :)

I have turned on "drawing" on Side 1 - and it is turned off on side 2 and 3. However, when I flip the card, the drawing box does not disappear, but remains visible on side 2 as well.

(I only use side 1 and 2 at the moment)

Re: Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby Ernie » Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:38 pm

Do you have a custom "Card Layout" turned on, like "Show Front on Back"? This is the only thing I can think of as to why you would have the drawing shown on the back.

If your side 2 font is "Standard", then this text should always show in this font. If not, I'm baffled. If you want, export your deck to my server using a deck code and I can take a look.

If font 1 is a "Heiti" font, it will be used in the card listing screen. As a workaround, maybe you can switch your Japanese to side 2 and then set the side 2 font to Heiti. I'm curious why you are choosing this font at all though. ? I'm under the impression that the standard font works great for Japanese. (Chinese is a different story though.)
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Re: Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby me » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:43 pm

Ernie wrote:Do you have a custom "Card Layout" turned on, like "Show Front on Back"? This is the only thing I can think of as to why you would have the drawing shown on the back.

If your side 2 font is "Standard", then this text should always show in this font. If not, I'm baffled. If you want, export your deck to my server using a deck code and I can take a look.

Yes, I have a custum (global) Card Layout, which I also use for all my different databases and I think I found the reason.
On Side 1 I show Text 1 - on Side 2 I show Text 1-3 - on Side 3 I show Text 4.

So the font and the drawing window probably appear on Side 2 because I also show "Text 1" there. (The box disappears and the font is correctly standard on Side 3)

It would be great if what I show on the side and the text entries were two separate things. So that font and the like on Side 2 for example have nothing to do with what is dispalyed on Side 2 (be it Text 1 or Text 2)

Ernie wrote:If font 1 is a "Heiti" font, it will be used in the card listing screen. As a workaround, maybe you can switch your Japanese to side 2 and then set the side 2 font to Heiti. I'm curious why you are choosing this font at all though. ? I'm under the impression that the standard font works great for Japanese. (Chinese is a different story though.)

Just out of curiosity - wanted to see what it looked like. But I prefer the standard font, so I will switch back. So this won't be an issue (for me) anymore, but thought you might still want to know about it.

Re: Changing font on 1 side changes all

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:11 am

Let me think about this. I might want to make this change. I think what you are saying is that turning Drawing on for Side 2 should not be influenced by what text is show on that side. This is probably a good idea.

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