New HSK vocabulary test vocabulary

New HSK vocabulary test vocabulary

Postby thedoctor » Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:31 pm

The HSK test has changed, and I've just posted the official 5003 item vocabulary list. The code is gtg_new_hsk.

I don't remember how to make a set public, so I wanted to let you know that it's there in case you need it. The list is sorted first by HSK level and then alphabetically by pinyin. The "Category 1" column is the HSK level, so you can sort and keep track of your progress.
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Re: New HSK vocabulary test vocabulary

Postby Ernie » Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:53 pm

Thanks! This would be good to share. FYI, to share a deck you send it to my "Shared Library". Tap Edit on the main screen, the deck, then "Share".

I just checked out this new list on the web. I like your format. I think what I'll do is share this myself because 1) I want to give credit to the "author" and 2) A new version of my app should be coming out in a couple weeks that support 5 sided cards, and I can add in a 4th column for the Pinyin with tone marks, that might be nice.
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