Entering Picture File Name in bulk

Entering Picture File Name in bulk

Postby Idris » Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:51 pm


Q) Do you know how to copy and paste the picture file name into excel? instead of entering it manually.
Also could you copy more than one file name and paste it into excel?



Re: Entering Picture File Name in bulk

Postby Ernie » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:09 pm


I assume you have the pictures in a directory on your computer. You can copy the file name to memory with control c... click twice on the file name slowly and it should select the text, then you can control-c... then control-p in Excel. I'm not sure of an easier approach.

To get a list of filenames into a text file, you need to use a macro of some kind. I can give a VB code example for Excel, but it may be tough to run if you are not familiar with this.

If you use Quizlet or Flashcard Exchange, it might be easier for you as you just upload the pictures rather than enter the file name, but there is a fee ($10-$20) to be able to do this on their website.

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Re: Entering Picture File Name in bulk

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:47 am

Ok, Thanks

Also how do I upload pictures in Bulk to the website?

I've set up a Drop Box account, do you know I Could use this?

Thanks Again

Re: Entering Picture File Name in bulk

Postby Ernie » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:59 pm

1) You can upload your pictures to OrangeOrApple.com. Zip up all your pictures and go to the Upload Pictures page and upload the single zip file.
2) I recommend using dropbox instead. If you are uploading your text to OrangeOrApple.com, use the "Media Dir URL" field in the input page to specify where your pictures are located, which will be in a subfolder in the Public directory in dropbox. For more details, see
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