auto repeat

auto repeat

Postby kraemder » Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:50 pm

small feature request... I just started using the auto repeat option for the TTS for new vocab. I thought it might just be annoying. It kinda is but it's also helpful. Anyway, it would be nice if there were an option to just have autorepeat be the default instead of play once. I have it set to repeat 100 in settings now but why not just have it auto-repeat?
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Re: auto repeat

Postby kraemder » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:11 pm

Something else I noticed. If you have it autorepeat (infinite by holding down the play button) then flip to side 2, it still repeats but it has a delay between repititions which is weird. When you go back to side 1 it removes this delay. I'm not sure if it's supposed to stop when you go to side 2 or whatever. My side 2 has no audio - I like that it keeps saying the target phrase. I found it a little annoying that it had a delay though so I now have it set to play the sound 1 for both side 1 and side 2. 100 times heh.

Anyway, it works really well. I really like the autorepeat feature and I'm glad I tried it.
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Re: auto repeat

Postby Ernie » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:24 pm

Hey kraemder,

I'm confused as to what you are saying in your first post. You can turn auto-play on/off by double-tapping the sound play button. It will play once by default. You can change this in Global Options > Sound > Play Count. It sounds like you are doing this, so I don't know why it won't repeat say 100 times each time you flip the card? What do you mean by "auto"-repeat?

As for your second post. Let me get back to you in a week or so. If you don't have sound on side 2, I would have thought if finishes playing the sound one more time then stops, but not sure. I'm on vacation now and don't have much time.

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Re: auto repeat

Postby kraemder » Thu Aug 04, 2011 6:44 am

this isn't a big deal. I'd prefer an infinite option to repeat 100 is all.

As for what happens if you hold down the play button for autorepeat and then flip to side 2, if there's no audio on side 2 it still repeats but there's an added delay of about a second between the repeats.
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Re: auto repeat

Postby Ernie » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:01 am

The app will continue to play a sound after flipping sides if the new side does not have sound (as you know). The odd behavior is the delay between repeats... There is a delay setting that defaults to 0 seconds. My guess is that for this deck you have a deck of 1 second for side 2. When the sound continues, the delay that is used is dependent on which side is currently being shown, which means that a side 1 sound can be using the delay for side 2. I'll consider updating this. If the prior explanation is not what is going on for you, then I don't know what else it could be.
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