Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Postby Florian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:53 am

I've been using Flashcard Deluxe to study vocabulary for some weeks now and I am more than happy with it!

One of my projects is to unearth the French I learned back in school some ten years ago and which I have hardly used since.
So I got hold of a comprehensive list of French core-vocabulary and started reviewing. Fortunately I still remembered quite some of the words already when I was tested for them the first time and another big group came back to mind seeing the right answer the first time. And then there was the remaining group of some 20-30% that I had either forgotten completely or never learned in the first place. Only these would need thorough practice.

Using the build-in "Spaced repetition" (which I think is perfect for completely new vocabulary), the unearthed vocabulary is over-trained at the expense of these 20-30%.

For a repetion like the one described, I would like to suggest a new mode ("Brush up-mode" or something like that), that takes into account, that a part – hopefully the biggest part – of the words has been learned earlier:

  1. In a first test, all words known at once would be postponed by a long interval, say 50 days for "known" and 100 for "strong" – if I still know them at once after all these years, they are probably well rooted and only need one or two extra checks before I can safely say that I know them.
  2. In a second round I would still be generous with the advance of the known words: first round has so to say activated the knowledge that was there somewhere in the depth of the brain, so I probably don't need to train these words thoroughly, but another reminder in some weeks time should do.
  3. First now, I'd start to train the remaining cards, which I failed the first two rounds, by normal spaced repetition after the usual rules.

Any thoughts on this?
Would any of you other users be using a mode like this?
Would it be hard to implement?

Best regards,

Re: Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Postby Katja from Hamburg » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:32 am

Hi Florian, that all available right now.
If you play around with max interval and strong factor you will be able to set all well known cards to a high value.
After that you can change factors to a lower value or choose "correct" instead of "strong". During the test you will see the numbers for next interval at the bottom for wrong/correct/strong.
Katja from Hamburg
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Re: Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Postby Florian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:52 am

I already had the idea that it should be possible to fake a "brush up mode" manually, though your suggestion sounds easier than I thought it would be.Thanks for that!!

I'd still think it would be nice to have this behaviour out of the box, but if I'm the only one, I could definitely live with the way you suggest.

Re: Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Postby Ernie » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:41 am

Hi Florian,

I'm going to suggest playing with the SR settings, like Katja said. If you are just starting starting out, the following two settings might be of interest: First interval after correct and First interval after strong. The the first setting has a max value of about 8 days, the second one can be set up to 90 days. This setting is used when learning new cards and the card becomes active after 3 corrects or a single strong.

Another option at your disposal is to tap the bottom middle button and choose "Next Review". Here you can manually set the interval for each card as they come up. (You can see current interval at bottom.) While this is a little time consuming because of multiple taps vs just swiping, it's an option. A possible update for me would be to keep these interval options up on the screen to make it easier to cleanup the intervals as you are going through a "new" deck.

So as of now, you'll just need manipulate the intervals as mentioned. As for a more "out of the box" approach, I've made a note of your ideas and will consider something that would make this easier.

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Re: Brushing up half forgotten knowledge

Postby Florian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:37 am

I've just experimented with your suggestions and I seem to get along quite well with setting the SR settings high enough.
Setting the "Next Review" manually sort of defies the easy handling that I like so much about learning with FCD...

Thanks for your help!! I'm looking forward to when you might get around to making this more accessible.


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