

Postby Brad » Thu Oct 28, 2010 12:43 pm

Thank you so much for this great app! It is turning out to be a life saver.

Two things. I am a music grad student and I love how I can put the listening tracks on for which I am going to be tested. One thing I've discovered is a slight annoyance and that is after a track starts playing, if you purposefully or accidentally turn the Touch/iPhone such that the orientation changes, the track starts completely over. It would be nice if the track just kept playing. When listening to even a single long movement of a symphony, it can really get in the way.

Second thing is a suggestion. It would be nice if the time could be seen while viewing the flash cards somewhere on the screen, like maybe at the bottom with the other visible icons. It just would be nice to know what time it is as often I am going through my flash cards before I have to go to class, which is often.

Thanks again for a superb product.


Re: Suggestion

Postby Ernie » Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:46 pm

Hi Brad, Thanks.

As for the rotate issue, maybe a good "solution" for you would be to turn on "Lock Orientation" in the Main Options to prevent this. No one's ever mentioned this before. I'll make a note of it for the future, but it's probably a little more than a quick fix for a non-issue for most people.

As for the time, you can either study in non-full screen view (which will show the time at the top) or occationally tap the top area twice to flash the time. I'm sure you know this, so I'm probably not really helping. Because of these simple solutions, I don't see the need right now to add an extra option for full-screen time viewing.

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