Copy cards bug?

Copy cards bug?

Postby Dannemann » Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:43 pm

First i just wanted to say that i love the app. Its amazing and it helps me alot.

So heres my problem:
Every time I trie to copy all flagged cards from one deck the app crashes.
Am I the only one with this problem?

Re: Copy cards bug?

Postby Ernie » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:51 pm

I can't duplicate this problem on my end. If interested, what might help me out is if I got your database file and tried it out myself. If you have dropbox, you can export easily by tapping "Edit" at decks screen and then "Backup / Restore" at bottom. Otherwise, you can remove the app from memory, then go to Apple's Settings app, find my app, then turn Export Database ON and restart the app. Finally, email me the .sql file you get and tell me what deck you are moving from and to.

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