Stack Index

Stack Index

Postby barthle » Tue May 24, 2011 7:33 pm


I have stumbled upon a very sneaky but very annoying bug -if it is a bug-

Let's assume that you have created a large deck with a few hundred+ flashcard. If you had deleted, changed the flag or status of the last card while the deck sorted in "card order", you will not be taken back to the end of the deck after you make a search. Instead it will take you the very first card. And if your first card begins with the first or second letter of the alphabet, the only way to get back where you left is to scroll all the way down, I suppose in the code . the index variable or whatever is set to the last entry, and if this last entry is deleted or filtered, the index is reset to 1 or something instead of n-1, n being the last entry.

I hope you fix this..It is quite annoying


Re: Stack Index

Postby Ernie » Tue May 24, 2011 7:59 pm

I think I understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure what I can do about it that would make sense. In the card listing screen, there is usually and "active" card whose text is colored blue. This is the card that was active in the study screen. If you add a new card, this one becomes "active". When you turn a filter off, it will go back to this active card. It sounds like the active card is the last one, you delete it, filter, then when you un-filter, it doesn't go to then end. The thing is, how do I know you want to go to the end after deleting that card. I'm not sure about this.

One way you can get to the bottom is add a dummy new card, go back, and you'll be at the end. You can then delete the card.

Maybe what I should do is add an option to jump to top or bottom. I'm not sure where is a good place to put this, but it might be worthwhile command. Anyway, sorry about that. I'm not clear on how I want to solve this right now.
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