

Postby kl » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:13 am

how do i justify it to the left so i can have bullet points?

Re: justification

Postby Ernie » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:20 am

In the black study screen, tap the (i) in the top right to go to Study Options. Look for "Text Align" and change from Auto to "Left".
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Re: justification

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:23 am

but is it possible to have bullet points in the answer like in an outline format?

Re: justification

Postby Ernie » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:30 am

You can't add tabs to line things up in two columns, or like in an outline. You can do something like:

• Some text
• Some more text

In this case, the tricky parts are the bullet and the new lines. Assume you are creating your flashcards on your PC, to get a bullet, copy-paste it from above. Alternatively, you can use a dash. To get a new line, you can use | (shift \) to force a new line in your flashcards. If using a spreadsheet, you can create a new line in a cell by pressing alt-enter (PC) which will do the same thing, and may be more legible.

Does this answer it?
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Re: justification

Postby Guest » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:31 am

kind of...i wanna like show an outline. Like I. whatever then A. fhsfdhdfsh (but indented)

Re: justification

Postby Ernie » Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:43 am

The app doesn't really support indenting. One option is to force multiple spaces at the beginning using a special code <sp>

1. Item 1
<sp> <sp> A. Sub item 1
<sp> <sp> A. Sub item 2

It's not pretty, but it might give you the look you want. On a single line this would be:
1. Item 1| <sp> <sp> A. Sub item 1| <sp> <sp> A. Sub item 2

The other thing to consider is ease of creating cards, so it may not be worth the extra hastle/complication to do such a thing.
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