empty line still not working

empty line still not working

Postby stillabug » Mon May 23, 2011 4:23 am

Hi Ernie

Thanks for the update to 2.8. One thing that is still not working is an empty line in Text (i'm using Google Docs to edit and download cards, and alt-return to create a new line). There is just a line break but no empty line on the display.

Greets Simon

Re: empty line still not working

Postby Ernie » Mon May 23, 2011 9:43 am

Hi Simon,

Well shoot... it works for me. Are you sure the app updated to 2.8? (Sorry if insulting question, ha.)

Maybe you can send me a test .xls file... create a simple google doc with 1 card, make sure it doesn't work, export to .xls and send to me. I'll upload it and try it myself. If you can email me at et@orangeorapple.com, that would be good.

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