new user questions

new user questions

Postby helen » Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:06 pm

I just purchased this app for my ipad and downloaded a certain Quizlet deck in error. Can I delete this deck from ipad? Also, can I create my own flashcards directly on ipad?

Re: new user questions

Postby Ernie » Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:08 pm


You can delete a deck by swiping left on the row in the main (deck listing) screen. This will show a red "Delete" button on the right you can tap. The other option is to tap "Edit" then the red circle along the left.

To create cards on your iPad, tap + in the top right, Empty Deck, give it a name then Create. You will be looking a blank list of cards. Tap + to add a card and fill out the question and answer in the first two rows then go back to the card listing to see your new card and be able to add another new card.

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