Linking to other decks

Linking to other decks

Postby Ralf » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:12 pm

Hi Ernie,
Love the app etc :)

Just a quick something that would be most useful to me (maybe others too)

I generally use the FD for general notes and processes in my day to day life and would like to know if there could be an internal linking system actually on the cards themselves?

Lets say I'm learning a process at work - lets say making sandwiches for people to keep things simple :D

Deck 1 gather main ingredients
get bread
slice bread
butter bread

deck 2 bacon sandwich
get bacon
fry bacon
add sauce

deck 3 cheese sandwich
get cheese
slice cheese

obviously deck 1 is the first instance but a decision has to be made when we reach the end of the card sequence
therefore on the last card could there be dynamic links e.g. bacon / cheese which could be tapped to open that respective deck to allow me to follow the flow of both the learning process and a decision making process

Very basic example I know but we are considering rolling this out in whichever form for our production line staff for basic fault finding on equipment and processes

Thanks for the great app


Re: Linking to other decks

Postby Ernie » Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:02 pm

Hi Ralf,

Others have mentioned linking to other cards. I'm a little fuzzy one how this would work or if it's good. Maybe with my relatively new "notes" feature, extra info can be linked this way.

You mentioned linking to decks. I'm even more fuzzy on this idea. So a card might have a hot-links to 3 different decks, and if you tap one, that deck opens up? If so, my thinking is... is the extra complication worth it?... you can just tap "back" and then the new deck with two taps instead of one.

I'm sorry, I'm not quite getting it.

"we are considering rolling this out"... ha, that sounds cool.

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