Copy/Paste broken in Version 2.7?

Copy/Paste broken in Version 2.7?

Postby Jim Nicolson » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:13 pm


I think Copy/Paste has been broken in the most recent update (2.7 for me). Australia iPhone 3gs.
I used to be able to copy certain elements from existing cards mainly where formatting ws involved.
While I can double tap and select there is no Select/Select All/Copy or Copy/Past 'context menu'

Is this a bug?

BTW: An in-app hot email link on the Support page would be good also :)
Jim Nicolson
Jim Nicolson

Re: Copy/Paste broken in Version 2.7?

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:29 pm

Hi Jim,

I've had a copy-paste issue for some time now that we just recently pinned down how to duplicate it, but I don't have a fix for yet.

I can duplicate by... exiting app in landscape from study screen
If you can duplicate it another way, or you don't use landscape orientation, let me know.

Anyway, to fix, restart the app. If you have iOS 4.0+, then you need to remove it from memory (Double-tap home button). In the future, if you don't exit the app in landscape from study screen, then hopefully it won't bug...

As for in-app email, yeah I agree this would be good to add.

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Re: Copy/Paste broken in Version 2.7?

Postby Guest » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:40 pm

Hi Ernie

That was quick. Actually, I just started adding cards and for some reason the app crashed - not a clear sequence that I can reproduce.

Upon restart (after adding about half a dozen cards) I discovered that Copy/Paste menus were appearing again!

I didn't use landscape at any time as far as I can remember.

So if if find it's gone again I'll voluntarily restart the app.

Only other suggestion (since I'm here) is that I think the menu structures are too complex or maybe just need refactoring.

It's more a case of too much functionality :) but commonly having to hop around the app trying to remember where the function was that I wanted i.e. a contextual thing really.

Still learing the ropes, but may have some more helpful feedback on that later.


Re: Copy/Paste broken in Version 2.7?

Postby Ernie » Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:12 am

Yeah, restarting the app will fix the copy-paste, at least temporarily. (Of course a restart through a crash is not what I would have hoped for.)

Yeah, the menu system can be overwhelming. I'm always trying to think of ways to improve it, while keeping it flexible and powerful with options.
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