crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to decks

crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to decks

Postby Prof.Dr.Bingo » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:26 pm

Hi Earnie,

as always I downloaded the update early and checked. This time I changed the "maximum interval" by reducing all the intervals in the deck to 60 days (number of active cards around 3600, due after change about 1400 cards). I wanted to go back to see all decks (and to see the effect on due cards) and pressed the "back-to-decks-button" - the screen got frozen. After that I pressed the home button of my iPad and restarted your app and it worked fine again.
I tried the whole procedure again - same result: Frozen screen.
There seems to be at least a minor problem.
Kind regards
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Re: crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to deck

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:40 pm

Hey Dr. Bingo,

Hmmm, can you try it again, but just give it more time? My guess is that it's just taking a long time to save all the changes to the database, which is what happens when you go back to the decks screen.

It may be that some of the interval changes were saved before you killed it.

Now that you mention this and remind me, maybe I can speed up the speed of the save...

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Re: crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to deck

Postby Prof.Dr.Bingo » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:48 pm

Yes, I am going to try with another deck. But you seem to be right with your reasoning that I went back to decks too early. And there were many changes (at least 1,000 cards). The job wasn't done and I really killed the procedure.
I keep you posted...
But what I experienced might happen with others users too.
Best regards
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Re: crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to deck

Postby Prof.Dr.Bingo » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:56 pm

I tried other decks and waited.... no problem at all. Everything works fine.
Cheers! Btw...sorry for the "Earnie".
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:37 am

Re: crashing after "set maximum interval" and return to deck

Postby Ernie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:02 pm

No worries.
The saving occurs when you tap the "decks" back button to go back to the decks screen. This is when it looks like it's frozen but it's really working. Yeah, the user feedback is bad here... normally its not an issue because there isn't too much saving going on. I need to refine something though. Thanks for the info.
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