Problem updating a deck with 2.6

Problem updating a deck with 2.6

Postby netdance » Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:06 pm

Hi Ernie -

I have a (private) deck from the previous version, and wanted to add a couple new phrases.

The format of this deck was T1, P2, T3

So, I updated my source files, went to the upload, uploaded the new file, uploaded media (as a single zip).

Then updated the deck on my iphone. Picked replace, download all media.

When I was done, many (about 25%) of the pictures on the deck were invalid - they were giving me that little missing image icon when I tried to view them.

Tried redownloading, but that didn't fix it.

So, I deleted the deck, redownloaded it, and it seems to be fine.

This points to some sort of bug clientside. Thought you should know... The deck in question is burmfoodjgd, and it should still be up on the server. Let me know if you need any more info.

So, upshot was I lost my study data, but I'm not really worried. It'd be a drag if this was repeated every time I updated a deck, though.
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Re: Problem updating a deck with 2.6

Postby Ernie » Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:40 pm

Thanks for letting me know. I haven't been able to duplicate this problem on my end, but I will keep my ears open for anyone else having this issue.

It's strange that the problem was just on 25% of the cards. I wonder if it was just a temporary wi-fi problem, but as it worked after deleting deck, maybe more to that this... or just coincidence.

If it happens again for you (next time you update your deck), please let me know.

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Re: Problem updating a deck with 2.6

Postby netdance » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:51 pm

It wasn't a transient network issue, because I updated it a second time (before deleting it), again selecting "Replace All" and update all media, and I still had missing images. Sorry, should have mentioned that part.

If it happens again, I'll hold off on deleting the deck, so I can instead upload it and let you look at it.
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