A deck with cards show side 1 and others show random side?

A deck with cards show side 1 and others show random side?

Postby konna » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:57 am

I could not find a way, through combination decks or otherwise, to create a deck where some cards are always shown one side first and other cards are shown random side up. Is this possible with the current version of the program? It would be great to be able to determine if you want to study a particular card both ways or just one. Perhaps an easy solution would be to make the created combination decks respect the actual card decks 'show side first' preference? Thanks for the great program.

Re: A deck with cards show side 1 and others show random sid

Postby Ernie » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:14 am


This is not possible currently. One option is to support flagging each card whether it's reversable. Another would be something like you suggested, respecting the source deck setting. I need to give this some more thought about how I might want to solve this, but I'm guessing I won't tackle this real soon. For now, you'll just need to study the sets separately, I suppose.

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