Type one time, get two entries

Type one time, get two entries

Postby uHerd » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:49 am

Hi Ernie,

congratulations to your new forum and here it is - my first post here :)

I had my holidays in Turkey this year and I tried to learn a little turkish with Flashcards Deluxe when I was there - it worked out pretty good, thank you again for this great app.

But there is one thing, I don't know, I'm good at asking for stuff that is already in (maybe you remember.. *g*), but I try:

When I learn a new word, I have to do two steps:
1. type in the word in "language 1", then in "language 2" on the "back side"
2. type in the word in "language 2", then in "language 1" on the "back side".
Cause I want to get asked the word in both directions... what would definately help would be a button like "also make an reverse entry" - would save much time.

Sure, also an option like "ask every card both ways" would help, but not every card makes sense to reverse.

Sorry for my strange english ;)

Have a good evening,

Re: Type one time, get two entries

Postby Ernie » Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:10 am

Hi uHerd,

There is an option to show side 2 first, which I think is what you are looking for. You just need to enter your cards one way (language 1 = side 1 and language 2 = side 2). From the study screen, tap (i) in the top right to go to Study Options, and the 3rd option is "Show Side First". You can change this to "Side 2" or even "Random" or "Alternate".

Also keep in mind that you can create a "Combination Deck" to show the other direction. I do this myself. Create a combo deck to include your base language deck. In this combo deck, change Show Side First to side 2. Now you have two decks, both using the same cards, but each is for the opposite direction.
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Re: Type one time, get two entries

Postby uHerd » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:31 pm

Hi Ernie,

thank you for your fast answer, I will use this option from now on :)

I wish you a good week,

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