Importing directly from email

Importing directly from email

Postby Tom » Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:01 am


Very nice app.

I have 2 suggestions :
1. The easy one : Possibility to import a txt file directly from the iphone email to Flashcards.
2. The harder one : To have the flashcards synchronized with a website, allowing to
- learn the flashcard on the Internet and on the iphone (with all statistics synchronized of course)
- enter/modify the flashcards

Re: Importing directly from email

Postby Ernie » Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:05 am


1. Email import. This is a good idea and I should support this. I'll be working on different import/export options next, and will plan on adding this to my list.

2. I want to be able to sync with google docs. (I think this would adequately solve the edit and sync online thing. I'm not a big fan of google docs, but I don't know of a better solution for this (as I don't want to create my own editing/storage website) and many people do like google docs.) My first goal will be to import/export with google docs. Syncing is more difficult, but I think it would be worth the effort. I will start work on this very soon, but I may find that I want to postpone the "sync" part if the update is taking too long.

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