Card Orientation

Card Orientation

Postby tabithag » Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:18 am

I was wondering if there was a setting I missed somewhere that allowed me to change the card orientation? Right now it seems I can only view each card in "portrait" orientation with my phone upright. Is there a way that I can set it so that I can view each card in "landscape" mode? With my phone sideways?
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Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:14 am

Re: Card Orientation

Postby Ernie » Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:42 pm

If you have auto-rotate enabled on your device, the app should automatically rotate with the device's orientation.

Double-click your iPhone button to show a special "secret" section at bottom. Scroll to the left and the left-most button is a orientation lock for the iPhone. Make sure the lock is off.

In the app, there is also an orientation lock (which defaults to off). From main screen, tap gear icon in top right to view Global Options. At bottom is "Lock Orientation". Make sure this is OFF.

With both of these off, the app should rotate with your device.
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