Feedback and Q's

Feedback and Q's

Postby Hoppi » Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:30 pm

Thank you so much for this very useful and functional App. I have spent hours and many $$s over 6 years preparing flashcards using computer, laminator and guillotine for my autistic grandson. This App allows me to make my own - customised, or use some free ones others have made - fantastic!

I have not yet mastered using categories, perhaps a bit more help would facilitate this?

Also, if I am using photos from my iPad "Photos", is it OK to delete them from the iPad folder, or will they be lost from the Flashcard set I have made?

Is there a way I can reorder my cards once they have been created? For example, I have added some more and want to use them in alphabetical order based on one of the sides.

Many, many thanks.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:09 pm

Re: Feedback and Q's

Postby Ernie » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:21 pm


Categories are used mainly for filtering cards when studying. If you assign 10 different categories, then you can select say 5 categories for studying. After categories have been assigned, use the "Cards to Study" option in the Deck Options screen. To assign categories, you can assign each card one at a time in the card edit screen, or you can use the "Mode" button in the card listing screen to assign a category to multiple cards at once, assuming you've set up the categories already. I personally like assigned categories in Excel on a PC, as it's easier than doing it in the app.

After adding a photo from your library, you can delete the photo in your library. The app has made a copy of it inside the app.

You can re-order cards in the card listing screen by tapping "Edit" then using the re-order bars along the right to reorder. If you have a lot of cards, this could be tedious, so exporting to the PC, sorting in Excel and re-transfering back would be a quick and efficient way to do this, assuming you are familiar with this process.
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Re: Feedback and Q's

Postby Hoppi » Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:56 am

Thanks Ernie,
For prompt and informative reply. Already acted on most - yet to attempt Excel import/export. Will do another day.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:09 pm

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