Duplicate decks

Duplicate decks

Postby Spiker » Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:59 pm


My gf and I would like to use the same decks on the same iPhone. Is there a way to duplicate the decks so we do not mess up eachother's statistics. Also I already tired combination decks (i e making two combination decks of the same decks). Is the statistics going to be messed up? (in another word does combination deck share stats with original deck?)

Re: Duplicate decks

Postby Ernie » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:28 pm

Statistics are tied to the original card, so combination decks will still use the same stats.

Option 1 - Copy the deck

Create an "empty deck".
Open original deck.... In the card listing screen of the original deck, tap the "Mode" button at the bottom, then "Multi-Select". Tap Mode then "Select All". To carry out the copy, tap "Mode" again, then "Copy Cards"... Optional: When done, tap "Mode" then "Normal Mode" to exit this multi-select functionality.

Option 2 - Use a single deck, but a different set of statistics

This only works if you are using "Short Term Goal" or "Spaced Repetition" card order.
Each card has up to 4 sets of statistics. Create a combination deck. Open. Go to Study Options (from study screen). Tap "Show Side First". At the bottom is an option for "Statistics Set"... change it to "2". Now the combination deck will be using it's own set of statistics (set 2).

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Re: Duplicate decks

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:54 pm

If I download a deck twice does that work?

Re: Duplicate decks

Postby Ernie » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:38 pm

Yes! If you used my website to transfer your cards, just download again... the easiest solution.
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