Request and suggestion

Request and suggestion

Postby » Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:16 pm

Can you please include password protection for entering into the app. I'm scared that my 4 year old nephew might delete something.

Suggestion: tough, but I think it will make your app stand out. We are already able to put a link in the notes section and have that take us to a website. So here's the suggestions: let the user select/highlight a word in the notecard, And give them an option to automatically put that word into the apps built in browser and google it, especially google images, so the user that select the picture that is associated with that notecard and insert it into a notecard. Pictures are obviously a great way to learn, let's the person retain the information better. Anyways, just thought I'd put in my 2 cents.

But yeah please include password protection.

Re: Request and suggestion

Postby Ernie » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:55 pm

Hi Ajooba,

I've had similar request to lock a deck so children can't mess them up. These items are on my very long to-do list, but it's definately lower priority for me, so don't expect anything soon. Sorry.

I made a note of your google search suggestion. Thanks.

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Re: Request and suggestion

Postby sanDiegoChae03 » Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:34 pm

So, the lock feature isn't a high priority?? (smile), makes me wonder, are you working on ways to improve/add more features to this app? I love it already BUT I am also wishing for a lock also because of my 5year old. A LOCK FEATURE WOULD BE WONDERFUL!! Thanks

Re: Request and suggestion

Postby Ernie » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:43 pm

Yes, I'm constantly working on this app, but with so many features that I want to add, things need to get prioritized. Each person has their own idea of what is most important of course, but I generally try to focus on what will help the most people.
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