Bug with reverse order

Bug with reverse order

Postby faetoner » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:18 am

Ello, Ernie!
You've added very nice feature - reverse order, where last added record is shown on a top of the list. But there's a problem.
1) I have some records in list already.
2) I change an order to reverse (it works, I see beginning of the list with highlighted last record)
3) I add a new record to the list

When I get back to my list, I see that order is the same (reverse), but position in the list is in a bottom, and the first record is highlighted (not the last one).

I hope you will fix it in a near future, because this feature is very useful, but it's annoying scroll up all my list every time when I add a new record to it... :P
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: Bug with reverse order

Postby Ernie » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:56 am

Ah, thanks! The new card is added at the top, as expected, but the list is scrolled to the bottom. Yes, I will fix this for the next update.
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Re: Bug with reverse order

Postby Tony » Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:03 pm

Yes, I've noticed this one too. In the meantime, you can tap the title bar to scroll straight to the top, with tediously flicking through a long list.

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