More visuals would help me and perhaps others....

More visuals would help me and perhaps others....

Postby astrummer » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:09 pm

I'm determined to make this app work for me but at every turn I run into difficulty interpreting the instructions. Perhaps that is just me and unique to me. However step by step screenshots of the process of making a card deck from an excel file, for example, would resolve issues such as " do you import the headings or just the data? Are Text 1, 2, 3 blanks to fill in or literally "Text 1", " Text 2" and "Text 3". Or perhaps some YouTube tutorials?

Ultimately I desire to make 3-4 sided cards that are just text ( for now ) with 2 category designations
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Re: More visuals would help me and perhaps others....

Postby Ernie » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:40 pm

You make a good point. I'll put this on my to-do list.

Yes, include the literal "Text 1" at the top. This tells the app what the data in the column represents. An example of text that you would copy to the website for 3 sided cards with categories:

Copy-paste that into the website. Let me know what problem you have if you run across one.

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