app has stopped downloading new questions...

app has stopped downloading new questions...

Postby eaca » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:02 am

Hi Ernie,

App's been very useful indeed.
However, it's no longer synching new questions added to the master copy (successfully located in DropBox's Public folder) of an existing deck.
Only change: I'm now using Spaced Repetition on this deck.

Is this a known bug? - or have I misunderstood something?

Thanks in advance.

Re: app has stopped downloading new questions...

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:55 pm

To refresh your deck on your device, you need to:
At the main screen, tap Edit, the deck, Download, then "Replace All Cards".

This assumes that your deck code is the valid dropbox URL. This will copy your latest version from Dropbox to your deck. It's important to keep statistics on your existing cards, so the process will try to match up cards so that they can be moved forward. To be safe, you might want to Export (backup) your deck to email (including statistics) before running "Replace All Cards" to be safe.

I'm not sure what problem you are having or why some behavior changed after using spaced repetition.

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Re: app has stopped downloading new questions...

Postby eaca » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:30 am

Hi Ernie, thanks.
All was well with the settings and so on, the app's copy simply wasn't updating ("No matching cards found, download cancelled...").
However, this morning (without making any changes I'm aware of) the app-copy update was problem-free. Odd...will let you know if it happens again.

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