recording flashcards

recording flashcards

Postby dpack » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:30 pm

I'd like to record the flashcard text. I'm not sure how to record myself reading the text nor how to enter it into my spreadsheet. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Re: recording flashcards

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:14 pm

You can either record it on your PC or within the app. If you are interested in the PC option let me know, but I'll recommend you try the in-app recording first. In this case, you don't need to enter anything in your spreadsheet. Just transfer the text to the app.

Once you have your deck in the app, you can add sound. From the study screen, tap the bottom right icon to see the list of cards. Tap a card, scroll down to where you see "Sound 1" / "Sound 2", tap the appropriate side, and return your text. The downsides to this method is 1) it requires a bit of scrolling and tapping to record each sound and 2) you can't see your text as you record. I need to improve both of these issues. Give it a try though.

If you do the PC option, you just need to use a recording program to record sound clips, then you follow the instructions in my Excel documentation to put it all together.

Let me know if you have any problems.
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Re: recording flashcards

Postby dpack » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:14 pm

I just looked around online and sadly, my ipod touch 1G does not support recording. I'll give the other option a try and see if I can record easily on my mac and then coordinate with the text.

Re: recording flashcards

Postby dpack » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:22 pm

It looks like Garageband is the way to go for recording - although I just realized I'll have to create a new file for each card and I've already got 300 cards and have just started my program.

Re: recording flashcards

Postby Ernie » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:03 am

Maybe check out Audacity (free). I use it for my recording and am comfortable with it. (I use a PC, but there is a Mac version.)

Yeah, it's a bit of a pain to record and keep all the files organized, but you get into a rhythm. Try just a few sounds first and go through the whole process of creating some flashcards so you see how it works.
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