Pictures showing question mark

Pictures showing question mark

Postby jeffwirth » Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:59 am

I really like the app. I created a deck with a picture on "Picture 1" and a name on "Text 2". It was working fine. Then I appended a list of more names in "Text 2" (successfully), I attached photos and categories to these (successfully). When I went to review the cards, those that had been created in the first session (not the appended ones) no longer showed a picture. They now show a page icon with a question mark in the middle. The new cards (the ones that were appended) show the picture and everything else just fine. Any suggestions of what the problem might be? Thanks for your help.

Re: Pictures showing question mark

Postby Ernie » Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:59 pm

Hi Jeff,

I've been testing it out and thinking about it, but I'm not having any problems and am not sure what happend for you. The actual pictures files for your original batch seem to have gotten deleted, hence the question mark. I wonder if you can do a test to try to duplicate the problem, and if so, email me what you did so I can try to duplicate on my end. I'm sorry I can't give an answer right now as I'm not sure.

I suppose you can upload a full card listing and use the "replace all cards" option instead of "append", but I know it would be nice if you didn't have to.

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Re: Pictures showing question mark

Postby Guest » Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:54 am

Hi Ernie,
Thanks for the quick response. I've addressed the problem by deleting the question mark image and re-attaching the image. I'm about to head on the road for a while, but if I find the problem recurs, I'll send you another log of what I've done and what occurred. In the meanwhile, have a great new year and keep up the great work!

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