Study Subject/Folder, Multiple Decks

Study Subject/Folder, Multiple Decks

Postby rhawk22 » Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:10 am

Hi Ernie,

I just purchased the App today for a promotional exam. I have multiple folders/subjects I will need to study. Can I study multiple decks at the same time or do I have to go into a deck to study it. I would like to be able to click on a folder and study all of the decks that fall within that folder, and intermix them. Am I missing something? Thanks

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Re: Study Subject/Folder, Multiple Decks

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:45 am

Hi Ro,

Create a "combination deck". (tap + at main Decks screen, then Combination Deck.)

After entering a name for the deck, you tell which "source" decks you want to include in this new deck. Now when you enter this new deck... all of the cards in all the decks you specified will be included. You can include all the decks in a single folder (by tapping each deck manually) and this new combination deck can either be in the top level listing or in the folder (depending on where you create it).

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Re: Study Subject/Folder, Multiple Decks

Postby Guest » Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:20 pm

Thanks Ernie,

Now the App is near perfect. I'm hoping I will soon be able to keep my sets private for my promotional exam and still be able to sync with my phone, any word on that being possible? Also, I plan on purchasing the next generation Ipad. Will I be able to put everything on my Ipad? Will I need to repurchase anything additional?


Re: Study Subject/Folder, Multiple Decks

Postby Ernie » Thu Dec 23, 2010 7:19 pm

I don't have a way to "sync" other than copying back and forth between my server. If you use a deck code that no one will guess, it will be private. (I have access to it, but I don't look at people's decks.) You can delete decks off of my server after you are done transfering using the appropriate link on the the Upload page. You also have the option to put your flashcards on your own dropbox space and upload from there using the full public URL for the text file you create, but you have to put it in the Public folder. I will start work on importing/exporting to your private Dropbox space soon (after I finish my current update work).

You can put the app on your new iPad for free and transfer your data easily using my server and a deck code. (You can always re-download any previously purchased app on any of your devices for free.)
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