playing sound while scrolling text

playing sound while scrolling text

Postby ghowell » Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:47 am

Hi - first off, you've written a really excellent app. The only thing I wish it could do is to play a sound while the user scrolls the text. Ideally the "stop" button would be a "pause" button; I've got short paragraphs of text in russian with a sound clip but can't view the paragraph while the clip plays. I imagine the sound feature was designed for very short (e.g. 1-word) sounds where pause doesn't make sense, but perhaps the interface could be as-is for files less than 500k and 2 buttons (stop/pause) for larger files?

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Re: playing sound while scrolling text

Postby Ernie » Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:42 am


To scroll, do you hold the text to open the "zoom" screen? I assume this is why the sound stops. I may want to revisit how this work, as you bring up a good point.

I think there is something you can do now to listen as scroll... Go to Main Options, Swipe/Tap & Icon Settings, and choose "Easy Scroll". The text will scroll in the same screen and the sound will keep playing. The downside is that swipe up and down will no longer work as "strong" and "wrong"... you will need to tap top and tap bottom to signal these.

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Re: playing sound while scrolling text

Postby ghowell » Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:28 am

Thanks, that's great, I hadn't thought of that!

Don't need to fix the other on my account, I'm set.
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Re: playing sound while scrolling text

Postby ghowell » Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:34 am

p.s. it would be nice though if the "stop" button was a pause button even with "easy scroll" on, since if you want to look/think about/etc. what you're reading and pause the sound, you're stuck. hitting the exit button suspends sound (and it picks up where it left off, which is nice) but you can't look at the text if you do that. also the pause button would probably solve the "zoom scroll" issue that prompted me to write ya.

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Re: playing sound while scrolling text

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:47 pm

I'm generally assuming sound clips are fairly short. I see that a pause would be useful in your case. I will make a note of this and see what I can do in the future. I appreciate the input.
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