Question about Quizlet's "public" setting

Question about Quizlet's "public" setting

Postby oversandal » Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:17 pm

I know in order to bring Quizlet flashcards on my iPhone, I need set my Quizlet decks to be "public", but does this mean just setting its users to "Everyone". Or do I have to the same with the editor setting? Because I have set my sets to be public but when I try to sync on my iPhone, it states that I have no sets.

Re: Question about Quizlet's "public" setting

Postby Ernie » Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:57 pm

Setting a deck to Public is the same as setting it to Everyone.

If you don't see your Quizlet sets after typing in your user name, it's probably because either 1) you typed in your user name incorrect (make sure it matches the username shown at the top right of the Quizlet webpage) or 2) you added your decks recently and Quizlet hasn't updated their search to show the new deck. (Normally a new deck will show up in a search after about 5 minutes, but sometimes it's a couple hours.)

If the above doesn't help, let me know and we'll go from there.
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