Repeating missed cards?

Repeating missed cards?

Postby Guest » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:00 pm

Is there a way that I could set the app to repeat the cards I missed or said I only kind of know? As soon as I am done going through a set it only tells me me score and restarts from the beginning even if I marked cards as "don't know".

Re: Repeating missed cards?

Postby Ernie » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:10 pm

Yes. In the study screen, tap the (i) in the top right to enter Study Options. The 2nd item is "Repeat Missed"... change this to "Yes".

When you use the card order "Ordered" or "Random", there is no difference between a swipe left (correct) and swipe up (know very well). When repeating missed cards, anything you answered wrong will get repeated. When you get every card correct, all cards will get shown again and the process will start over.

The "Short Term Goal" card order will take advantage of the "Strong correct / know very well" response if you wanted to try that out.
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